Sarasota, Art Museum, Zebra

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Almost one hundred years ago, the analytical psychologist Carl Jung introduced the concept of synchronicity. Synchronicity refers to a striking coincidence between seemingly unrelated events that may have some type of unknown or paranormal connection. This coincidence is usually explained away on the basis of rational statistics. Like Jung, I’m not convinced.

On a tour of an art deco exhibition in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I showed our guide a photo of our unique tea service purchased several years earlier in an antique store in Kalk Bay, South Africa. As I did so, a passer-by tapped me on the shoulder and asked, “Excuse me, but did you perhaps buy this in a small fishing village, Kalk Bay, in South Africa? I had bought the set and returned it because my husband didn’t care for it. What are the odds?

Goldie, is seemingly from another reality and I have a vast collection of photographs of her synchronous wardrobe experiences to prove it. Here is one with her standing in front of a Vik Muniz piece at the new Sarasota Art Museum. Neither of us had had any idea of what we would be seeing. Incidentally, Goldie’s “hooves” were a pair of splints, worn because she had recently tripped and fallen injuring her wrists.

I find comfort in reading mystical texts. I am reconciled to not-knowing as a valuable concept that keeps my ego in check.


St Petersburgh Farmers Market, Two Children


Philadelphia, Pope’s Visit, Nuns 2